NLP Practitioner aid email

November 22, 2012

I often get asked for tips ahead of the practitioner course, here is an example what I recommend to do to make the best of the experience.

Congratulations you have successfully enrolled on the NLP Academy Practitioner program.  We are joined by hundreds of people each year all with at least one shared outcome, to learn and apply NLP into an area of their life for personal or professional improvement. Whether you are looking to apply NLP for coaching, business, relationships, personal development, teaching, communication, peak performance or another area I have neglected to mention, I know you will benefit hugely from this program.

We are lucky to be joined by the original NLP Co creator John Grinder, and New Code NLP co developers Michael Carroll and Carmen Bostic St Clair. You will be learning the best of the classic NLP from the 1970’s and the latest developments in NLP from the New Code NLP, all from primary developers of both models. You will also be certified directly from all three developers guaranteeing you a high level, authentic certification direct from the sources.

The intention of this email is to first welcome you to the Academy and to give you a series of tips and links to watch before the course to ensure you receive the best experience possible.

Here are a few articles and videos which give a good taster of what NLP and New Code NLP is and what makes a high level ITA Practitioner.

What is NLP (article)

What is New Code NLP

Recommended reading
Whispering in the wind (recommended for after the course)

I recommend before the course if you like to do pre-study to purchase our NLPedia study set, other than I recommend saving the books until after the practitioner course, they will make more sense. NLP is a practical subject the best way to learn is through experience live at the course you are enrolled on, similar to sport reading a book on football, ballet or any other sport will not prepare you effectively whilst engaging in this sport for the first time. The introduction to NLP is a great way of experiencing NLP first hand should you wish to have prior experience before your first course. The practitioner is taught from the bottom up and everything you need will be taught and you will experience practically over the practitioner program, alongside theory from our extensive course manual.

Study sets

NLPedia Practitioner study set
This is a great home learning multimedia set which is a fantastic way to learn about NLP before the course,  use a refresher and learning tool for after the course, it is not compulsory to have this though it has been a highly effective resource for me in my NLP journey, particularly being able to revisit specific areas which I didn’t digest at the course. You receive a special £100 discount on this with booking on this course.

Give us a call

Let us know of your outcomes and what route you are looking to take with your NLP, one of the team are always delighted to help and offer any assistance. If we know your outcomes we can ensure we can offer you the best possible experience and support you in reaching these goals, before, during and after your first course with us.
I hope this gave you some insights, should you have any questions please give me a call on 020 8686 9952 or email me back on If we do not speak until the course, I look forward to connecting and working with you further on what I am sure will be a life altering experience.

Warm Regards

Jack Carroll

Director of Client Services
NLP Trainer
NLP Academy LTD
020 8686 9952

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